Happy Birthday to my little Violet Rose! You are my last baby and I have cherished every moment of your life, from the time I found out you were in my tummy until this very day! You are my "Mini-Me" in so many ways and I know as you grow older, you will hear this a lot and probably grow tired of the comment, but know that this is what makes you special. You bring your father and I such joy each day (as do your brother and sisters). It's so fun to see how excited you get about your day. You look at everything with such joy and we love watching you explore your world with excitement.
The love you have for your bother and sister is heartwarming and contagious. I love it when you hug your sister as if she has been gone forever, when she may have only been in dance class for 20 minutes. I love that you are proud of her when you see her performing or through the window at her dance classes. You always cheer her on with such passion, clapping your hands and squeeling with delight. I know your brother loves that you love him so much, that you can't stand to have him out of your sight. It's so adorable to watch you run to him each time he comes through the front door, with your open arms and "Joe! Joe!" He loves your hugs and kisses too!
Violet, we are so happy that you are 2 years old today! While that may be a typical "Terrible Two" stage in most toddler's lives, it may not be for you! You have your little moments, but for 95% of the time you are the giver, lover, caretaker of this family. You are the smiley face on our family crest!