Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I Am Blogging Now

Okay, I give. Everyone is doing it so now I am too! besides as much as I tried to get my .Mac iWeb Blog to work, it doesn't function like a REAL Blog, so here I am!

Now, just fair warning: I am not a good writer, maybe a good story teller, but definately not a good writer. So please don't expect perfect spelling or grammer from my blog posts. It just won't happen unless my husband happens to be standing over my shoulder telling me "uh... nu uh... use spell check, that doesn't make sense...." and other helpful suggestions ;0)

What a great day to give birth to my blog, eh? The 4th of July, a day we celebrate being American's and all the freedoms we are given as Americans, including the freedom of speech! How awesome is that?

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