Monday, August 18, 2008

Hey Mr. Postman!

Lol! Ha! Ha! Ha! ...Sorry, but I had to start this off with a little chuckle. Tonight I found out that to appease our 3 1/2 year old daughter, Lilly, my husband has been giving her blank envelopes to put in the mailbox. Let me elaborate; each night that my husband sits at his desk and writes out his expense reports, pays bills or orders new coins, he prepares his envelopes and sets them on his desk to be mailed when he is done. Then he takes Lilly to the mailbox to put them in the slot when they go to pick up the mail. Lilly decided one day that she need to put her own mail in the box, so to save argument Chris started handing Lilly blank envelopes, which she would draw on (excuse me, address) and seal up so that she could put her own mail in the box. Periodically, my dear husband would throw in an occasional "reply by mail" "postage paid" envelope from some magazine company or credit card company and let her stuff it with drawings that she made and seal them up too.

Tonight I caught them doing their little "mail routine" and Lilly had just stuffed a big manilla envelope with scrap paper she found lying around and colored the outside of the envelope. She asked me "mamma, who can I mail this too? I told her we could mail it to her Aunt, when Chris stopped me and informed me that they had been just putting unlabeled, unstamped envelopes in the mail box each night. "OMG!" what must the mailman be thinking I wonder? My only guess is that the "Dead Letter" pile in Temecula must be pretty big by now and its not even Christmas!

1 comment:

kEllY said...


YES!! You are certainly invited to Adam's baptism & to our home after for treats. I love your blog photo! You are so photogentic......I'm jealous.